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Fun family activities for Autumn | Nesquik

family intro image

Autumn family fun

And back to school they go! I don’t know about you, but that six weeks flew by. Don’t get me wrong, it absolutely had it’s moments where I was questioning my life choices and if I heard the word “MUM!!” one more time, I was in danger of a permanent eye twitch, but on the whole, it was pretty lovely getting to spend time with my little team.  

And that’s what got me thinking. You see, we always plan activities and things to do over the summer holidays, not just to keep them entertained but to make sure we have fun together as a family.  

But once they get back to school and everyone starts to settle into a new routine, it’s really easy to get caught up in the monotony of swimming lessons, homework, rushing to after school clubs and parties. 

So how do you make sure you make time for fun together. For us, we’ve tried to integrate some really simple things to do as part of our family routine. In all honesty, it doesn’t always happen because…well…life! But below are some of the activities we do as a family, that I wanted to share with you for inspo. 

friday movie nights
Friday Movie Nights

I mean who doesn’t love a movie night? I have such fond memories of doing this with my family. Although it was a little different back when I was younger. My Dad would take myself, my brother and sister to the video shop (who remembers those?!). There was one rule…the three of us had to agree on a film. But if we couldn’t, my Dad would get to pick the film of his choice. As the likelihood of the three of us agreeing on anything was slim, we spent most movie nights watching westerns or WW2 films! But even though it wasn’t our choice, it was never about the film we watched. It was just about being together. 

Anyway, I digress! The point I took forever to make was that I wanted to recreate this with the girls. 

So now we let them choose what we watch, grab the popcorn and snuggle under blankets. It’s simple, doesn’t cost anything and we all get the chance to chill out together at the end of a busy week. 

autumn walks
Autumn Walks

Another fond family memory (are you sensing a pattern?). Mum would make a huge Sunday roast and then after we’d filled ourselves with lumpy mash and Yorkshire puddings, we head off for a walk in the woods. 

We’d spend our time looking for fairies, climbing trees, exploring caves (not actual caves to be clear. Just large divert in the rocks we pretended were caves!) and collecting conkers for a rather competitive competition when we got home! I loved it. We all did. 

We don’t manage it every Sunday, but when there isn’t a party or another activity taking our attention, we make a roast, play eye spy and then head out. Sometimes it’s a bike ride, sometimes it’s a stroll to the park, sometimes we make it to the woods. But whatever we do, it’s done together. And yes, it does usually result in plenty of sticks, stones and leaves coming home in their pockets! 

p.s: the e-activity pack you were sent when you signed up to the newsletter has a brilliant mini beast hunt, which is perfect for your autumn walks! 

this or that
This and that?

This is a really fun one and not one that I did when I was younger! The concept is so simple but the kids love it. You pick/plan two activities that you’re going to do as a family, for instance bowling or go to the park for a kick about. Write each one down on two separate pieces of paper, not revealing what those activities are, turn the paper round so the kids can’t see those choices and then ask them to pick. 

I always think there is extra excitement when there is a surprise involved and this approach gives two…the kids have no idea what either of the activities are and you have no idea which one they are going to end up picking. The third benefit is it stops any arguing about what you’re going to do, because I don’t know about you, but whenever I give two options to the kids, each one will choose a different one and it never ends well! 

That’s it from me for another month! I’m really loving writing this blog for you, so I hope you’re enjoying reading it. And if you do try any of the above activities with your gorgeous family, please let me know over on Instagram, via my account, @Kids_and_the_commute. I’d love to hear from you! 

Until next time, enjoy your September!