A simple alternative to creating new year’s resolutions (that actually stick!)
The happiest of New Years to you (depending on when you’re reading this!). Well whether you’re still saying goodbye to 2024 or have already said hello to 2025, chances are your head is filled with questions about what the new year will bring. That and what New Year’s Resolutions you’re going to make.
Now I will let you in on a little secret…I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. And if I am being really honest, I don’t like New Year’s Resolutions. There are three reasons for this:
- No-one ever sticks to them
- They’re pointless because no one ever sticks to them
- You set yourself up to fail because no one ever sticks to them
You get the idea! Also, the notion that you need to totally overhaul who you were for the past 12 months is ridiculous, but we won’t go down that rabbit hole!
Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, we do something different. It doesn’t really have a name, but for the sake of this, let’s call it ‘The Happy Plan’. It’s not about changing anything about yourself, it’s about reflecting on the previous year and asking yourself three questions:
- What brought you joy (then do more of it)
- What didn’t you enjoy (the do less of it)
- What’s something you’ve always wanted to try (Start doing it)
It’s not just me that does this. The girls join in too and it’s really fun to this as a family. So in the spirit of both sharing and inspiring, here’s our family’s Happy Plan for 2025!
What brought you joy? – DO MORE OF!
Spending time with my family
It’s always reassuring when everyone in the family agrees that they want to spend more time with each other and slightly awkward when they don’t! Luckily we are all falling into the first category.
But life is hectic and trying to carve out that time can be hard. So we turned to the youngest Taylor’s and asked them what kinds of things they wanted to do more as a family this year. Their answers were both cute and simple, play more games, snuggle to watch movies and share popcorn, go to crazy golf (a firm family favourite), baking and go litter picking…which leads us to…
Taking care of the planet
Both girls are very environmentally conscious, much more than I was when I was their age. They’re really big on recycling, love junk modelling with whatever boxes and loo rolls they find and LOVE going litter picking! I know it may not seem like an obvious family activity, but it’s great fun, gets them out of the house and helps keep your local area rubbish free! Very happy to be doing more of this in 2025.

This one is firmly mine. I added it to last year’s ‘Happy Plan’ and actually joined a Book Club (which as an aside, I highly recommend because it makes you actually read the books!). What I love about reading is that feeling of escapism and getting lost in someone else’s story. But as a by-product of this, the more the girls saw me reading, the more they started reading too! So our plan for 2025 is to find time to switch off the devices and find a quiet time to read together (well at the same time).
What didn’t you enjoy? – DO LESS OF!
Getting stressed about the state of the house!
I once heard it said, that tidying up whilst your kids are about, is like brushing your teeth whilst eating biscuits!! Never a truer word said. Social media doesn’t help with people showing their immaculate houses (incidentally, no one really lives like that). So 2025 is the year I embrace the chaos. Homes are for living, not constantly tidying.
Being on my phone
As a Content Creator, being on my phone is an occupational hazard, but I’ve noticed its very rarely out of my hand, let alone my sight! And to be honest, the amount of time I lose doom scrolling is ridiculous. I keep saying I want to make more time for the people and things I love, so come 2025, my own personal screen time is going down!
What’s something you’ve always wanted to try? – START!
Already an avid sewer, my nine year old would like to learn to knit. I remember trying this when I was around 13. I managed what I thought was a scarf but looked more like the dog had coughed up a ball of wool! I can safely say she is a lot more talented and determined than I ever was.
Cards on the table, it’s not me that wants to try this…it’s the kids. But going back to my original point of wanting to spend more time with the family, I am the ONLY one that camping doesn’t appeal to. So I am putting on my big girl pants and trying to see it as an adventure. Come back next year to see which of the three categories ‘camping’ falls into!!
Which brings us to the end of this month’s post. If you do decide to create your own Happy Plan, I would love to hear all about what you’d like to do more of, less of and start! As a reminder, you can share it with me over on Instagram under the handle @Kids_and_the_commute. Can’t wait to see them.
Wishing you and yours a very happy New Year!
Love Kelly x