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Fun Frozen Fruit Granola Cups Recipe | Nesquik

Nesquik Granola Cups
Nesquik Granola Cups
Frozen Fruit Granola Cups
Frozen Fruit Granola Cups

To avoid disappointment, remember to make these the day before as they require freezing for 8 hours! Great for sharing when the sun is shining (and even for when it’s not…).

Serves: 12
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 10 minutes | Chill Time: 8 hours +

300 fat free plain yoghurt
75g raspberries, halved
75g blueberries
300g low sugar granola
50g Nesquik Strawberry Milkshake Powder

You will also need:
12 hole muffin tin, lined with cupcake cases
lollypop sticks

1. In a large bowl, whisk together the yoghurt and Nesquik until smooth and well combined.

2. Add the fruit and granola and gently fold with a spatula until everything is mixed together. The raspberries may start to break apart but that’s okay!

3. Using two dessert spoons, fill the cases with the mixture. Place the lollypop sticks into the middle of each case.

4. Pop into the freezer for 8 hours or until completely frozen.

5. When ready to serve, remove the cases and enjoy!

TIP: Silicone cupcake cases make it a bit easier to remove the granola cups once frozen but you can also use paper ones.

Frozen granola cups nutrition
With images

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