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Nesquik Rudolph bites | Nesquik

Rudolph bites image
Rudolph bites image
Rudolph bites

Recipe: Rudolph Bites 
Serves: 12 
Prep Time: 20 minutes | Chill Time: 1 hour 

8 medjool dates, pitted​ 
60ml hot water​ 
20g Nesquik Chocolate Milkshake Powder 
2 tbsp milled flax seed​ 
40g rolled oats​ 
2 tsp chia seeds​ 
1 tbsp desiccated coconut ​ 
To decorate:​ 
2 tbsp puffed rice​ 
2 tbsp pomegranate seed​ 
6 plain pretzels, broken in half 
1. Add the medjool dates and hot water to a bowl and set aside to soften.​ 
2. Pulse the oats in a food processor until they have broken up but still have a chunky texture. Add all the remaining dry ingredients and pulse again until everything is mixed.​ 

3. Add the softened dates and water and continue to pulse until until you have a dough like consistency. You may have to add a spoon extra of hot water if your mixture is too thick.​ 

4. Decant the mix into a bowl and roll into 10 balls and place on a large plate or lined baking tray. 

5. Press two pieces of puffed rice and a pomegranate seed into the ball for eyes and nose and two pieces of pretzels in to the top for antlers.​ 

6. Pop into the fridge for an hour or until set. 

Rudolph bites nutrition
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